Thursday, June 26, 2008


Determined. Stubborn. Plucky. Spunky. Pig-headed. No, I am not trying out for a human thesaurus contest, I am trying to think of some of the labels given to people who refuse to give up on something, be it an idea, a dream, or a goal. The picture of the kitty clinging to his hoped-for box-lunch really struck a chord with me recently--writing is not an easy career to just pop into. But it is worth it, and that is the message you'll see over and over if you hang around enough writers--there isn't anything else they can imagine doing.

I write with two children in the home under the age of five and a brain that I don't mind admitting gives me fits on a regular basis. I am fortunate to have a very supportive spouse and family, but I know others who write in spite of people who tell them constantly that they're wasting their time. I know of many others who hold down full-time jobs, parent children, volunteer in their communities, (and I swear secretly save the world on their lunch breaks) who still find the time to write and do it well.

Why? It has to be due at least in part to determination--that stuff that makes the difference between, "I think I'll write a book someday" and "Here's my book! I think I'll try to get it published!" It's that stuff that keeps one submitting query after query when you believe in a story in spite of those form-letter rejections that we all know are a necessary evil and hate anyway.

I regularly get some fantastic glimpses of other writers' determination, (chutzpah, moxie, guts, whatever you wish to call it) at the Absolute Write Water Cooler ( It's a neat place to pop in, whether you're a writer or trying to understand the writer in your life, to see what exactly goes on in the trenches of writing. Need encouragement? Stop by the Coffee House of Pain and see if they don't offer you a cyber goodie or froo-froo drink to make it all better. I dare ya.


Anonymous said...

"I am trying to think of some of the labels given to people who refuse to give up on something, be it an idea, a dream, or a goal."

Tenacious. That's what I like to label myself.

Elissa J. Hoole said...

Ah, I could have written this post myself. I know like a dozen of those save-the-world-on-their-lunch-break people. I can't even get my act together enough to cash my paycheck and eat! Nice blog!

JJ Cooper said...

You've been reading my Blog.

It's all about beliefs. You believe you can and you will. Because, beliefs drive our thinking, actions and results.

Just over a year ago I started writing with the goal of finishing a novel. Now, I have a two-book deal with Random House. I work full-time and have a family. In the last year I have really only had a few hours a night to research, learn and write. I was determined to do it. And I did.

Now silly me, I have another one I have to write. LOL.

Never give up and stay determined.


Anonymous said...

Auria is right...tenacious, is another great word to describe us as writers. Excellent post, and dead on.

Anonymous said...

Excellent. Wow! You've expressed me for the last year now. When I wrote my first book, I thought it was the bomb diggity and then I joined AW and I go. "Oops. That's not a good writing style." And then I had my first critique. "Ouch! Oh! Owww!"

And you know what? I'm still writing and I refuse to stop until my first novel is published.

Writing is what I do the first thing in the morning and the last thing in the evening.

colbymarshall said...

The word is stupid, lol. I am allowed to say that because I'm one of them. :-) No, joking aside, I like tenacious, like Auria said!

Regina Avalos said...

I love popping in over at the forum. It's a great resource.

Miss Lissy said...

I hope that you have enough determination to make it and I hope that so do I!

plaid said...

I've always liked the phrase 'bound and determined.' Adds that extra oomph. And AW is an amazing resource, every writer should use it.

DJ said...

Thanks for the comments, gang-- Auria, tenacious is another fantastic word. LnK, I know how you feel! JJ and erika, thanks for the encouragement. Caroline, bomb-diggity may be my new favorite phrase--thanks! Colby, Regina, and Miss Lissy--hope is another good one! And PE, I agree!

Anonymous said...

I go with stubborn and pigheaded myself. :D I don't care about the other connotations - they're strong words with an absolute bullheaded ain't-nothin'-gonna-stop-'em feel to it.

Honestly, though, dj, even when two people appear to have the same things going on in their lives, it's not fair to compare the two as though one is weak or incompetent or something just because the other succeeds. Don't lose hope. Keep going at it. :)